
Showing posts from October, 2016

Finding and hiring the right artist for your comic, manga, or graphic novel, Part 1: Introduction

Introduction There are great resources online for learning how to hire an artist for you comic , manga , or graphic novel , but it takes a great deal of searching and some good old fashioned recommendations by actual people to find them all. I am putting together a series of posts to save you time and outline my experience (part one is this intro). I wish I had read them first! :D Assumptions: You ARE NOT a well known writer You want to produce a comic book, manga, or graphic novel (there are different rules for books outside of those types, e.g., children's books, etc.) You want high quality artwork You don't have a high quality artist friend who is rich and will work for free Ready!? Great, let's start with Part 2: Pay . -Jeremy P.S. - If this helped, please support me by reading my free webcomic  halfwing , thanks!

Time management and my love for Toggl

TL;DR (Too Long; Don't Read): I tested everything under the sun and no app (web and/or mobile) is better for tracking your time than  Toggl  (without an "E"). Also, it's free! Details: A long time ago (~8 years ago), I was asked how much time I spent on certain projects/clients to help project head count. Having no idea, I started tracking my time by hand... which really sucks and isn't accurate. After wasting more time tracking time than working on some projects, I decided to find an app that could help. I tested EVERYTHING and no apps made my life easier. It took as much time to figure out the crazy complex software as doing my work. I finally stumbled on  toggl  (without an "E"), and I was up and running in two minutes, I'm not kidding! I have used it ever since for everything I track, and it keeps getting better (slicker UI, mobile apps, etc.). It really helps me get a sense of where my time goes, and it's so quick to use,

Smaller: Use contractions as often as possible (I'm vs. I am)

I cut down the length of my story wherever possible. Less is always more. As my friend Matt Sullivan pointed out, using contraction can really help you with this. Google defines  contractions as  "the process of becoming smaller." In grammar, it means combining two words into one. For a more detailed answer,  GCF Learn Free says , "A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two words. Words like can't (can + not), don't (do + not), and I've (I + have) are all contractions. People use contractions in both speaking and writing." This is especially important in dialogue, as most people will unconsciously use contractions wherever they can.  Think about it, do you say, "I will see you later" or "I'll see you later" ? Try a couple more just to prove it: You are = You're I am = I'm It is = It's I will = I'll We will = We'll Would have = Would've That is = That's Wh